Have you ever looked out your window, I mean not just normally but just stopped and stared?
I did this morning, and as I looked over the rusted metal fence to the abandoned overgrown train tracks below, that maybe once or twice a week, carry freight trains across to who knows where... But As I looked up into the trees which highlighted the early morning sky,I noticed a nest, and I just stared at it, and out of the thicket of branches, i saw a child, a baby pigeon, and with the fluttering of wings, I saw its mother had remained close by.
Perhaps to go looking for food, or perhaps not, and although in my life I have seen many a pigeon, most of which to me,almost littered the streets of new york city, in the train stations, the streets, outside stores, looming menacingly over windowsills, back first, there was something touching in that moment, a connection between mother and child, and a strong one at that.
Can they too feel?
can they to feel love, anguish, passion, guilt, or are they just New York's trash cans? While it is engraved in my nature to be a cynic, and I would GLADLY choose the latter, I feel that they do deserve a quiet sense of respect, they are alive, and they too have a life to live like us, so why shouldn't they have emotions too? Why can't they feel loss, or joy?
They can.
ps. sorry I haven't posted in a while guys - Eli
very deep. this is the first serious post I've seen so far. plaudits to you, Mr. Elias pet, plaudits.
Guy Noël Futterhorn (BEN FUTTERMAN)