Me and ben found a little black kitten. She was weaving out of a fence on the corner of 17th and 10th ave. She was very sweet so we picked her up and carried her home into my bathroom. My mom said she thought the deli man might know whose it was as she'd seen it before her self. So ben and i carried her up the block to the deli. It was indeed their cat though they did not look glad to see her at all. Ben attempted to hand her to the deli mans son but he did not even attempt to grab her so ben put her on the floor. She then proceeded to bolt to under a car before gaining a comfortable possision in the middle of the road. So, Mr. deli man get your cat a collar or keep her inside. One thing that is not cool are cats that are dead. Mr. deliman, i dont hate you, but i do very much dislike you and if i keep seeing your kitten in the middle of the road i am going to temporarily kidnapp her and give her back a week later, ust long enough to show you that she could easily get taken or even killed, dont be stupid.
Lucky and jazz
And we named it Sampson, just so you know. Stupid man at the deli! meh, it was cute and you should atach a photo.
Gut Noël.
ps: A.O. Spare ≠ Reduction sigil, as I said to ozarin. not that you know what I'm talking about.