Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Supercalafragilisticexpialidoshis, report cards, and frogs.

The time
is four O' seven.
I am eating cereal.
We got report cards today. The interesting thing about report cards is that their genus and species are exactly the same as regular paper. It doesn't make sense because they are so important and dreaded they can't just be regular paper, it just doesn't make sense. Below is a scientific un-labeled diagram of a casual piece of paper. You'll find reassuring yet also frightening:
You see, the common piece of paper suffers many early illnesses due to its purebred composition as well as various mental and hormonal differences. They constantly leak sewage from their mouths, they suffer from early on-set balding from the age of 3 months. The paper in the picture below is suffering with the early stages of catarax which is also very common on looseleaf. They stutter, you'll never see one without an un-fashonable red satchel, and they top it all of with an orange polka dot bow tie.

Lucky and Jazz, Out.